November 06, 2010

Back to the Zoo

I had intended to make this weekend a quiet one... that's laughable with catherine wheels whirring and rockets exploding around me.

So I decided to take a trip too the zoo tomorrow...

Maybe I will see the elephant with the long trunk swingin', Great big ears and long trunk swingin', Snuffin' up peanuts with the long trunk swingin?

But more than likely I will see all the monkeys scritch scritch scratchin', Jumpin' all around and scritch scritch scratchin', Hangin' by their long tails scritch scritch scratchin'

But whatever I see I will be engrossed by the beauty of the life that will be there. It's been a long time coming for me to return to London Zoo, as a Zoology Student at University I dreamed of being the next David Attenborough and found myself a member of the ZSL and numerous weekend trips to London Zoo, but with a mind like a butterfly I flitted from one idea to the next and never quite got there.

I am hoping the ZSL has got better since the last time I was there... animal conservation is the root of my own substance and Zoo's never quite sit right with me, even though I feel drawn to them. So I am hoping I will be pleased, I know the last Zoo I was at was Basel Zoo, here they were making great moves to give animals more space, slow moves but working in the right direction.

It would be nice to see the meerkats ;) I always end up at their enclosure!

1 comment:

BunnyMummy said...

Hope you enjoy your day. I have not been to the Zoo since my neice and nephews were little but thinkg I will make a trip soon. The Pandas are going to come to Toronto!