i vowed that in my current job i wouldn't get too close to colleagues, i have good friends from my life so far. so i keep at arms distance. pleasant and friendly i am to all that i meet, but thats it. i do not have them in my contacts list on my phone, nor do i have their personal email addresses or know where they live. i fear that a lot of you will think this anti-social, and question why i blog ? but for me I feel that my work and social side should not be mixed, close on never the twain shall meet. friends are to be made outside of work thereby adding variety and stimulation to ones life. my headspace is cloudy enough.
anyway, let me destroy all that i have just said, by telling you that i have one colleague who i couldn't help to become friends with and not just her, but her lovely husband and great children. my excuse is that she is french, intelligent, warm, honest, bold and funny... thereby i found myself drawn to her. which means that we don't just talk work, most days when we are both in the office we find time to talk about us...
that's what brings me to this post, i was having a usual chat over coffee with her, this time work was sporadically mixed into the melee, because i am currently finding it hard to fit in quality time at home with family, my new hubby and work a five day week... my headspace is being jammed with commitments at home and i am feeling less warmed to be in the office. it's all pilling on top of me and i can't find any fresh air space.
i guess what it is, is that i want some me time back. the weekend isn't enough and work doesn't seem a priority... my little dad's decline has catalysed the feeling even more. having some me time i hope to claw back some time to reorganise my head.
"exercise and meditate" she says during the chat... the exercise bit is the easy part, all i need to do is find my exercise mojo again, but meditate, i have never done that, a few weekly yoga sessions has been the closest i could get to experiencing meditation, but i have to say i have never attained nirvana in any one session.
so i put my research head on and look for scientific proven reason to do it. i google: "meditation, scientific proof" and look no further I find a huffington post health article by robert piper "10 reasons why meditation is america's new push-up for the brain" - he writes that there is scientific evidence pointing to "mindfulness meditation" being a tool to help your brain get in shape... 3 pieces of that evidence point to:
- a strengthened brain and you will all know why this is something that would be good reason enough for me to consider,
the other two are:
- help for weight loss; and of course
- the stress relief factor.
i am there at this point...
where she sought enlightenment, yeah, excellent, just what i need for my own headspace and so i clicked on the link and buy the app. i am going to try it out for 10 days (free). i will let you know how it goes but i am being positive, may be this little thing may make all the difference.. om!
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