August 17, 2007

The Ulimate Rock Climb

Just finished watching a documentary with Julia Bradbury on the BBC.

Hope if not many kids got to see it this evening their parents did and decided to video it for them. I also hope who ever watched the documentary with Tim Emmett and Julia Bradbury found it as inspirational as I did.

My brother is a keen climber and has been since his early teens he also is a motivational outdoor enthusiast. I have climbed a very small amount safely on indoor walls and a little in Thailand on sports climbing routes. But, sadly I have never really pushed myself to get out on the real stuff outside. Yes watched my brother, his girlfriend, my boyfriend and others get their hands dirty on sandstone, gritstone, limestone and the like, but never been really that brave to do it myself.

I have to say though anyone given such an opportunity as Julia to truly be mentored by such an obviously fine climber should grasp it with feet, hands and anything else that will glue them to a rock face. People of the net stop sitting in front of this blog and get your bums of chairs and get out and about in our beautiful country. Or if you have the opportunity to watch "The Ultimate Rock Climb" get inspired it was wonderful viewing, showing us what a beautiful country we really have.

Climb On Tim and readers of my blog

A bit of publicity for Tim or just some more inspirational viewing for you at

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